
Showing posts from August, 2020


This is the new buffer logo which i have created for Gustassi and coming to describing the logo if you carefully Observe the logo you will be seeing food items, Kitchen utensils, Restaurant Related, Internet Services and Eco-friendly. So Finally what i want say is the logo is entrepreneur which all kind of services

Cake Factory

This logo is regarding a bakery which contains all kind of varieties in pastries to resemble that i used reference of factory where factory is a resemblance of  mass production to represent it is a bakery type i have made the whole factory into cake

Moon Architecture

Here the logo is regarding architecture and that's the reason why it is named as moon architecture. The company assures the customer that whatever the heights maybe they will meet them even the limit reaches the moon

Pen House

The above is regarding pen whole sale business so here the logo is in the form of a fountain pen which is the highest quality of pen i.e, it represent the quality of business and the door turns the logo into an house which represent whole sale business

Bob's Aquarium

So The above design is Regarding Aquarium so here if you observe the logo  upper part is a fish which itself is a reference to aquarium and the below part represents ocean  which is an example for Vastness So overall the logo tell us that it is regarding fishes and it has all kind of Varieties